savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

mobile sauna
client : private project: moveable sauna dates : project and completion 2022 sia 416 volume : 9 m3 civil engineer : ingewood, st-maurice builder : autsamplano, champlan photographer : nicolas sedlatchek
this mobile sauna makes it possible to enjoy the benefits of a sauna anywhere.
it is mounted on a trailer chassis, weighs less than 1400 kg, is road legal and is heated by a wood-burning fire, so it can be moved as desired by just a normal passenger car.
the wood-burning stove and the quality of its shell mean that the inside temperature rises to 100° in under 30 minutes.
the structure is made from pine three-ply panels, and the interior fittings are made of strips of aspen. the façades are insulated with sheepskin. the roof and rear side are covered with glittery bituminous cardboard.