savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

conversion work and extension to the clinique sainte-claire in sierre, competition
client: "projet santé" non-profit organisation, sierre programme: single bedrooms, communal spaces, nurses' office, cafeteria, kitchen, communal dining room, management office, reception area, conference room, various ancillary spaces, laundry, plant rooms, private garden, parking spaces dates: competition september 2016
site the project highlights the architectural qualities of the main building at the clinique sainte-claire. the planned work includes the demolition of additions already made and enhancing the immediately adjacent external spaces. the plateau of the colline de planzette, which overlooks the lac de géronde, therefore becomes a wooded park, offering various points from which to view the landscape. the original building is integrated into the site and its horizontal nature is emphasised. the ocvs (valais emergency service organisation) premises are now separate from the clinic, as was formerly the case. the car park is sited at the western edge of the site, leaving the greater part as a green space in which the building's users can walk or relax.
organisation on the ground floor, the communal spaces and reception area remain in their current position. these parts, which are organised around the main staircase, face due south and look out onto the terraces. to the north, some space is devoted to services, and includes the kitchen, administration area, lifts and staircases. the present chapel is retained. each of the clinic's three storeys accommodates a 16-bedroom unit. the corridor, which ends in a service staircase, is punctuated by two day/dining rooms that vary the use and division of space along the route. the south-facing separate rooms have balconies, while those that face north enjoy a view over the plateau. the disabled bathrooms for these units are up on the attic level, so that the occupants of the units are not disturbed by other residents moving about.
the bedrooms part of the project is complemented by a living unit on the lower ground floor, which is currently used for storage and parking. connected to the communal areas by their own staircase/lift, these 16 new bedrooms look out onto woodland, high above the lac de géronde. the service areas and plant rooms for the unit are situated in the existing basement area. the civil protection shelter is retained. the clinic has four 16-bed units in all, providing a total of 64 beds.
sustainable development the use of the original space and the demolition of unwanted elements enables land to be used economically. heating requirements are minimised through excellent thermal insulation and efficient heat generation, combined with controlled air change. the project also meets the requirements for comfort in summer without using an active system. overheating is prevented through solar protection, natural ventilation of the buildings and the inertia of the construction materials. the proposed project meets the swiss minergie standard for low-energy buildings.
construction a thermal envelope is created on the inside of the building in order to retain the outlines, proportions and decorative elements of its original external walls. the materials used for the interior of the building are simple and restrained: gypsum plaster on the walls and ceilings, natural wood for the fixtures and fittings to add a warm feel.
structure the project retains the existing structure: the external walls and a longitudinal east-west wall are load-bearing. this system is complemented by a series of continuous load-bearing partition walls on all levels, which enable the building to comply with earthquake-resistance requirements, achieving a seismic coefficient greater than 0.4.