savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

coverage of archaeological ruins of the abbey of st-maurice
abbey of st-maurice program : protection roof for the archaeological ruins dates : competition march 2004 1st price, completion 2010 civil engineers : alpatec sa, martigny, photographer : thomas jantscher awards: patrimoine suisse, section valais romand 2014, sia umsicht
regards sguardi 2013, prix acier 2011, a + awards 2014, mention prix
philippe rotthier 2014
the abbey of saint maurice was built almost 1500 years ago. it is situated against a cliff in a section of the road between geneva and the simplon pass. this particular site was likely to be chosen for its defensive position given by the cliff. however the planned fortification proved a failure due to rock fragments falling from the cliff on to the building.
our project endeavors to demonstrate this particular treat of history. by suspending 170 tons of stones, it expresses the ever lasting hazard the site had been exposed to. the roof gives the interior a calm and almost contemplative ambience. it is built above the fundamental buildings in order to keep the dialogue between the facades and the cliff face. the “stone-roof” serves as a filter for light and produces an evenly spread and regular illumination. |